Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Study Terrorism Before Searching For Counterterrorism Careers

Students interested in counterterrorism careers must have an in-depth knowledge of terrorism and counterterrorism. Counterterrorism careers are demanding and those individuals who are successful in this field must have a strong understanding of terrorist motivations, terrorist techniques, historical cases, as well as methods in which to disrupt terrorism. What exactly does one mean by “in depth” knowledge? Consider Hizballah, an organization relevant to anyone interested in counterterrorism.

Hizballah is a direct inspiration of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. In fact, Hizballah was organized by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corp. Hizballah was officially founded in 1982 after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Hizballah is mainly a Lebanon-based radical Shia group.

Hizballah’s original mission was the “liberation” of Jerusalem and the elimination of Israel. Hizballah blames the U.S. for many of its difficulties, and it perceives Israel as an extension of the U.S. Hizballah has been known to be involved in terrorist attacks against the U.S. and Israel. Hizballah is blamed for the suicide truck bombing of the U.S. embassy and Marine barracks in 1983 and the U.S. embassy annex in Beirut in 1984. Members of Hizballah hijacked a TWA flight in 1985 and murdered a U.S. navy service member. Hizballah is also responsible for kidnapping and detaining a number of Americans and other Westerners in Lebanon during the 1980’s.

In 2004 Hizballah launched a UAV over Israel in an attempt to counter Israeli air superiority. Hizballah continued to launch attacks into Israel resulting in deaths of Israeli soldiers. In 2004 Hizballah signed an agreement with HAMAS to increase attacks against Israel. Some authorities suggest that Hizballah has relations with Al-Qaida, according to the testimony of captured Al-Qaida members. For instance, Hizballah, Al-Qaida, and HAMAS formally met in 2002 to discuss joint operations.
Hizballah considers itself a “resistance movement” rather than a terrorist organization or a militia. Hizballah, in fact, cites its identity as a resistance movement as reason not to comply with UN resolution 1559 adopted on September 2, 2004, that mandates “the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias.” Hizballah maintains that they are a legitimate resistance movement aimed at expelling Israeli troops from Lebanon and then establishing an Islamic state in Lebanon, similar to that in Iran. Hizballah is currently part of Lebanon’s government as it holds approximately 23 of the 128 parliamentary seats in the coalition government.

Even considering Hizballah’s political representation, it is still considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. and has been since 1997. Hizballah has a number of illicit fundraising rings even inside of the U.S. Hizballah had a drug smuggling operation that funneled money from Chicago and Detroit that was discovered by the DEA in 2003. In Charlotte North Carolina, Hizballah was the beneficiary of an 8 year, 2 million dollar cigarette smuggling ring that helped the terrorist organization purchase advanced weapons systems.

This overview of Hizballah is one example of the in-depth knowledge required to excel in counterterrorism careers. Schools that specialize in intelligence and counterterrorism can provide students with this knowledge and thus, enhance their career. Students should look for schools with faculty members who are well-versed in these disciplines, including academic or field expertise. The serious candidate for counterterrorism careers should make sure he or she chooses the right educational path to prepare them for this fast-paced field.

More from: Study Terrorism Before Searching For Counterterrorism Careers - Article: 1812082 at Isnare.com Free Articles
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