Symptoms of tonsil stones
Why is it essential to recognize the symptoms of tonsil stones? Knowing the symptoms mean knowing how to treat it and how to prevent the condition. Tonsil stones have many symptoms and so are their causes. Health professionals report that the condition is not as dangerous as many people think, although they are an irritant and embarrassing. Even if they are not dangerous to health, the stones need extraction because as they become bigger, they become painful and may cause bacterial infections. Removing the stones is simple as using a water pick or a cottons swab will do.
Why do tonsil stones occur? Before we can discuss the different symptoms, getting to know that the causes are can help us go forward. The tonsils are located on the either side of the back of the throat. They are an integral part of the lymphatic system, a defensive structure that traps bacteria and prevent them from penetrating the body. The tonsils have folds, or pockets that can also trap tiny particles of food, including dead skin cells, and mucus. The product is white or yellow grains that have a terrible smell. When they grow bigger, that can cause painful as well as embarrassing indications.
Tonsilolliths Indications
The symptoms of tonsil stones only show when they are large enough for the tonsils. At first, they are asymptomatic, meaning, small stones do not show any signs. Finally, here, are the common symptoms to help you determine, you have indeed tonsil stones.
• Bad breath is a result of dense bacterial colony in the tonsils. The odor stems from the sulfur, which the bacteria produce. The stones develop because of the food debris trapped within the pockets of the tonsils.
• The stones look like grains of sand and when they get larger, they cause other problems. The large stones can cause pain in the throat.
• Large stones can also cause other symptoms like choking, due to the limited passage of food. Drinking liquid or eating food seems difficult and painful too.
• Due to the largeness of the stones, they tend to put pressure on the nerve endings, thus resulting in painful inner ears. The throat and the ears share the same nerve ending, so both parts cause pain.
• Lastly, the symptoms of tonsil stones can affect taste. The metallic after taste is a result of the different mix of matters decomposing in the tonsils. If you want to enjoy tasting different flavors, you need to remove the stones.
Tonsil Stones is Different from Tonsillitis
All of the symptoms above manifest Tonsilolliths, as well as tonsillitis. Both conditions share most of the symptoms, save one – bacterial or viral infection. Tonsillitis has all the symptoms tonsil stone has except for the infection, which can cause a person to chill and have high fever. When you have any doubts, always see your physician.
The Mayo Clinic reports that Tonsilolliths may cause infection if not treated immediately. As soon as you experience the symptoms, removal is the only possible solution for the moment. Removal is easy and can be done right at the privacy of your home. When removing them, you should be gentle and use only clean implements, so as not to injure the tonsils and cause infection. The symptoms of tonsil stones are clear and easily recognizable.
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