Saturday, February 16, 2013

Does Australia Need a New Political Force? By Jamie McIntyre

According to a recent article in the Australian Financial Review, if an election was held now and voting wasn’t compulsory there would be record low voter turnout because on the whole, Australians aren’t happy with our current political leaders and choices.
As shown in the Queensland election, Labor voters have deserted their party in droves and it appears largely based on Federal issues. Mostly the unwanted carbon tax Gillard promised us all would never occur under her government.
Australians are fed up with the current government and powerful union factions dictating who our Prime Minister is.
However despite their loss of faith in the rapidly declining Labor party many just can’t bring themselves to vote for Tony Abbott.
Even though Abbott has done better than anyone expected, you get the feeling he has the ability to lose an unlosable election.
Or he’ll be elected simply because Gillard is so unpopular.
What is clearly being demonstrated in Australian politics is the lack of real choice.
What if you don’t want to vote for Gillard or Abbott?
What choices do you have?
“The Greens!” Some would say.
However that’s a vote for Labor.

Now if Australians were given freedom of choice at elections to tick a box, either:
1. Gillard
2. Abbott
3. I feel neither are competent
I know which box would win.
Which raises the question:
Does this mean if Australia had a real choice, like a legitimate 3rd political party, with quality leadership…
- Leadership that could appeal to both the disenchanted Labor voters and also a large majority of Liberals
- A leader who equally appeals to the rural electorate (which the National party used to) and also those that live in the city
- A leader that has real passion and drive to improve the country
- A leader with real life business experience
- Not a career politician after a cushy job, or union-controlled, agenda-driven candidate, or a lobbyist for powerful minorities… But a leader focused on the greater good of the country
- Who isn’t afraid to ditch political correctness and say how it is
- Who has a vision for the country’s future
- A leader that can appeal to a broad section of the population
- A leader who will make the tough decisions and strongly advance Australia’s interest and isn’t concerned with popularity contests
- A leader with financial intelligence and good economic management skills
- A party which isn’t pro-union and not pro-big business either, but pro-small business as the driver of the economy and balanced in regard to ensuring fair work place practices for employees
- A leader who believes all Australians are equal no matter where they have come from or what their heritage is
- Not someone who has extreme socialist views; that believe in welfare and trying to effectively buy votes that led to a dependent society living beyond its means
- A leader who doesn’t believe in big government but believes in effective government
- A party that believes Australia deserves world-class education and health care and knows that a quality modern day education system is the path to prosperity
- A leader who believes the elderly deserve to be treated so much better and Australians should be encouraged to look after their elderly parents in a loving home not just shipped to a nursing home and forgotten
- But not someone who is a ruthless capitalist that won’t ensure everyone gets a fair go
- A leader who is a compassionate capitalist
- A leader who can communicate well and inspire Australians to work together
- A leader who believes in encouraging Australians to engage in policy debate
- A party that would push for major policy to be decided by the voters each year – removing the government’s ability to push through policy they promise they wouldn’t just to get elected
- A leader who reduces the power of party politics that have distorted our political system and who doesn’t support towing the party line, because politicians should be free to move across the floor based on what they believe the policy should be
- A party which encourages freedom and independent thought
- A leader who appeals not just to the Baby Boomers but also Generations X and Y
- A leader who can connect with a large cross section of Australians
- A political force that would unite Australians to work as one…
-…And end the bitter divisions that Labor and Liberal create within Australia to distract from quality policy debate
- A party that would support good policy regardless of which party offers it
- Not just a Bob Katter led party that may provide an alternative for those in north Queensland but rather a credible party that can offer a real alternative, nation wide
- Nor a party that won’t have the policies or ability to lead an entire nation
- A party that’s in the middle of Australian politics. Not too far right or too far left
- A party that is focused on policy, not party politics
- A party people would want to flock to, to become a candidate, or vote for because they believe what it truly stands for and its ability to create change and better living conditions for all levels of society
- A party that encourages entrepreneurship as the cornerstone to prosperity
- A party that invests heavily in innovation and research
- A party that invests into nationwide infrastructure
- A party with 5, 10, 15 year plans
- A party that represents Australians’ interest in a fair and compassionate way
- A political force that has the required financial backing, grass roots support, and organisation abilities to deliver a credible party to gain significant votes
- A party that people feel proud to support no matter who they have voted for in the past
- A party that speaks for Australians who don’t feel their government is listening
- A party FOR the people BY the people
So the question is:
Are Australians ready for quality change, or do they need to endure more incompetent political leadership before they are willing to demand change?
Time will tell…
I think the time is coming for such a political force in Australia.
A party that would ensure Australians had real choice at future elections.
The time is coming for change in Australian politics.
Share your thoughts?

More from: Does Australia Need a New Political Force? By Jamie McIntyre - Article: 1757408 at Free Articles
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